Manufacturing improvement support
Trainers have know-how accumulated not only in the transportation equipment field but also in improvement activities at various sites such as logistics, equipment machine, foods, building materials. To suit customer environment, we are your support by the concept of "Show it to do, and make it yourself", besides, the trainer also supports practical improvement by showing them by himself.
Three features
Feature1The instructor is OB of major manufacturer with wealth of experience
There are many achievements of improvement regardless of company size or industry.
Feature2Direct instruction
Instead of merely passing on know-how, we will guide concrete improvement promotion techniques on-site “Gench-Genbutu”.
Feature3Voluntary activity continuation through human resource development at customer
We are focusing on nurturing improvements promotion leaders so that the improvement can work even after the end of support.
Service contents
Manufacturing improvement “To make things”
We will instruct gracefully and easily understand 3S, visualization, standardization which is the basis of improvement activity.
We will foster improvement leaders who will be responsible for the next generation and contribute to the permanent development of your company.
Logistics Improvement “Carrying things”
To analyze the logistics of your company, then carry efficiently in a shorter time than the present situation, and reduce logistics costs.
If there are multi distribution bases, we will support upgrading improvement at model bases to other bases.
Management of indirect department ”indirect cost”
Even in indirect departments where problems are difficult to understand, the basis of improvement activities is 3S, visualization and standardization.
We will teach how to proceed improvement in indirect departments and non- manufacturing companies while comparing with the manufacturing site.